“Dig It!”
Michelle Riley is passionate about the land and gardens in Northeast Ohio and does not hesitate to name her friends, the plants. You really have to see the video about Robert the Rhododendron! Find it here: https://bit.ly/2H4GPkg
As a horticulturist, landscape designer, speaker, consultant, and landscape concierge, Riley is dedicated to the welfare and well care of all things plant.
She has designed, implemented and maintained gardens, estates and commercial landscapes around the Akron and Cleveland areas for more than 20 years. She has completed projects in Chicago, New York and Washington.
Riley is certified through the Ohio Department of Agriculture and is a member of the Ohio Landscape Association. She is the president of All About You Signature Landscape Design, Inc., and the founder of https://michellerileyhorticulturist.com/ and https://neohiogarden.com/
She also founded a gardening subscription service, The Plant Mall and the Joy Club*, which provide growing guides; monthly reminders for when it is time for garden chores, such as pruning; and training videos on how to become a better gardener. It is from a local expert and the information is geared toward local gardeners of all levels.
To reach Riley, e-mail her at Michelle@neohiogarden.com or Info@michellerileyhorticulturist.com or call 234-678-8266.
*Note: The Plant Mall and the Joy Club are not affiliated with Joy of Medina County Magazine and are completely separate entities created, owned and operated entirely by Michelle Riley.